Why Volvo d13 Heavy Duty Truck Engine is Good
The new d13 tc Volvo heavy duty truck engine provides greater fuel savings across more applications. The air flows through into the heavy-duty truck engine and into the cylinder where it is compressed. Injectors spray a fine mist of fuel into the compressed air causing it to ignite. The improved weight piston design guides the flame back to the cylinder center for a more concentrated efficient burn, as hot exhaust flows out excess heat and pressure are recovered in the turbo compound unit capturing additional power. This turbine directs the recaptured energy to a gear link which then pushes the crankshaft harnessing energy that would have been lost and allowing the heavy-duty truck engine to run much more efficiently the result is a Volvo v heavy-duty truck engine with our next generation d13 tc, that’s six percent more fuel efficient than our current d13 heavy-duty truck engine and up to 11 percent more efficient compared with 2015 model trucks heavy-duty truck engines. This type of Volvo heavy-duty truck engine also cuts down on the cost to repair, service or rebuild the Volvo heavy truck engines. However, if the Volvo engine of your heavy-duty truck is giving you any trouble, contact G.B Truck and Diesel in Edmonton as we can help you with Rebuilding, servicing, and Repairing of the Volvo heavy-duty truck engine
Some common issue with Volvo d13 heavy duty truck engine
Some Common problems in Volvo heavy-duty truck engine that could lead to repair, rebuild or Overhaul of Volvo heavy duty truck engine there are quite a few items that happen on these Volvo heavy-duty truck engine. The most common issue that we see on these engines are going to be injector cups. Injector cups pretty much fail often, you going to get hard starts, low power, aerated fuel are all indications of failed injector cups. The reason why this happens is these injectors they do not have lower rings to seal the injector. what they do is they have the injector seal at the bottom of the cup, so over the period the injector is going to be moving and lose its seal. This could cause need to repair your Volvo heavy duty truck and incase such need arises you can contact G.B Truck and Diesel as are a pioneer when it comes to repairing Volvo heavy duty ruck engines.
Another problem that we see with these hard starts is filter housings on these Volvo d13 heavy-duty truck engine. They have internal check valves on the fuel filter housing itself and we see those fail often. Most of these failures that we are mentioning are going to be after 500k, usually under 500 K you should not see any of these failures, but it might be possible. You are going to have DTC codes are going to come up telling you that your actual your turbo is not opening and closing all the way.
These turbos have internal veins inside, so over time it builds up with soot and the actuator is not going to be able to open and close that turbo freely. This type of problem a common issue with these Volvo heavy-duty truck engine that we see, sometimes it could just be electrical problems but that is why its very important to take it to a heavy-duty truck engine repair shop that is very familiar with these types of Volvo d13 heavy-duty truck engines and G.B Truck and Diesel is an expert when comes to Re-building Volvo heavy-duty truck engine in Edmonton, Repairing Volvo heavy-duty truck engine in Edmonton, Overhauling Volvo heavy-duty truck engine in Edmonton or Servicing Volvo heavy-duty truck engine in Edmonton.
Another Common issue with these Volvo heavy-duty truck engines is the crankcase pressure. You will have a crankcase pressure fault that comes up however It is a diaphragm that fails in the sensor. Other issue you need to look out in these Volvo heavy-duty truck trucks is the crankcase. The actual crankcase filter housing will leak so get those replaced around 500 k, if you go past that we see a lot of oil leaking causing a lot of mess.
The other common issue with these Volvo heavy-duty truck is the EGR system. Either you have an EGR leaking or you’re going to have an EGR cooler clog or EGR differential pressure clogged as well, and this normally happens over 500,000 miles. Usually what happens, is we must actually pull the EGR cooler to clean it. Volvo heavy-duty truck EGR system builds up with soot and what you are going to get is a high temperature on your EGR side so cleaning that all up is going to be part of your maintenance. Lastly, another common issue that we see coming through the door if you have an automatic transmission is after 500,000 miles, you’re going to have issues with your clutch.
It is very important to keep up with maintenance with these Volvo heavy-duty trucks, especially if you get a check engine light. Check engine lights are not something to ignore with these Volvo heavy-duty truck engines because what happens is the check engine lights are there of course to give you a warning. With Volvo heavy-duty trucks in case, you just keep on driving it could lead to more costly repair.
Working on the Volvo heavy truck engine is a specialist job and Requires specialist skills and Technicians at G.B Truck and Diesel have mastered the art of rebuilding, repairing, overhauling, and servicing Volvo truck engines in Edmonton