Heavy Truck Airconditioning

While the warm weather is great when you’re relaxing, it’s not so much fun when you’re stuck in traffic in the city, or staring down hundreds of miles of hot prairie highways. Overheating in a vehicle is not only a cause of minor irritation and drowsiness, it can even lead to dehydration and danger – that’s serious business! And that’s why a functional heavy truck air conditioning unit is a must for drivers on these blazing summer days.
Once considered a luxury, air conditioning is now found in most modern vehicles. It uses a small amount of power from your engine to cool and recirculate the air inside your cab, offering welcome relief from the sun. The process is not infinite, though – over time, the system drains and will need maintenance and refilling every so often in order to keep you cooled off.
You may think that you don’t have the time or money to get the a/c going in your truck or other heavy-duty equipment. But G.B truck and Diesel is here to help! We know what a difference a cool driving environment can make.