Heavy Duty truck engine overhaul in Edmonton

Heavy Duty Truck Engine Overhaul
Heavy Duty Truck Engine overhaul is basically giving your Heavy-duty truck engine a new life. Most Heavy-duty truck engines wear out over time due to heat and normal wear and tear and require an Engine Overhaul and we are a specialist in Heavy Duty Truck Engine overhaul in Edmonton. Some Heavy-duty truck engine deteriorates quicker than others from being driven too hard or it’s affected by not enough engine oil, or lack of maintenance. The list goes on.
In short, everything has a shelf life. And your heavy-duty truck engine is no different. When you notice your engine oil level is always dropping, fuel efficiency is not as good as before or there is a weird sound coming from the engine, it’s best to consult a mechanic to check if there is a need to overhaul your heavy-duty truck engine. In case, your Heavy-duty truck engine requires an overhaul, You should Consult G.B truck and Diesel, who are considered pioneers in Heavy-duty truck engine overhaul in Edmonton.
Overhauling your Heavy-duty Truck engine is not a simple task. It consists of deconstructing the engine and having new internal components such as new pistons, piston rings, main bearings, valves, and springs. and G.B truck and Diesel mechanics are specialists in that and that is why we are rated as the best heavy-duty truck engine overhaul shop in Edmonton. There are many more steps to be listed but just know that other than the engine, everything inside will be new and for that we use a Heavy-duty truck engine overhaul Kit.
Ways to diagnose in case heavy-duty truck engine needs an Overhaul
a) Misfiring one of the cylinders.
b) Oil at the end of the spark plug.
c)Oil coming out of the exhaust
d)Engine Oil is missing
e) Truck Fuel Efficiency is dropping
f) Heavy-duty truck engine sounding weird
g) Heavy-duty truck Engine overheating
h) Excessive Smoke billowing from the exhaust pipe
I)Compression test
Process Of Heavy Duty Truck Engine Overhaul in Edmonton
Start by pulling off the ground battery cable and then turn the fuel off, this is the very first thing that one should do when they do a heavy-duty truck engine overhaul. Go ahead and pull the muffler off, Twist little tabs on the hood pull them down, and then your hood will be ready to come off. Subsequently, loosen up the air breather hose, loosen bolts on the manifold.
Sometimes, the bolts could be tight, you can use heat to loosen them up. After completing these steps in heavy-duty truck engine overhaul, one side of the engine would be disassembled. However, before disassembling this side of the engine, drain out coolant and engine oil as that is quite important.
From the other side start by taking take off the Heavy Duty Engine first and then label the wires, pull off all of the spark plug wires, and also the wire up here on the coil. These are steps that should be done by a heavy-duty truck overhaul mechanic who is a specialist in overhauling and at G.B truck and Diesel, our name is considered equivalent to the best shop for heavy-duty truck engine overhaul in Edmonton.
Next, take off the water temperature sensor and remove the engine seal, Remove the traffic cover. With the steering now, we can see our rockers. We are almost at the half Waymark in the heavy Duty engine overhaul process.
Take of oil tube, free up my rocker assembly and the next step will be to remove all the head bolts, now we are ready to remove our thermostat housing, and then we have a rubber hose up the tap and another rubber hose down at the bottom here. This stage is very important in the heavy-duty truck engine Overhaul and very few people are able to do it in a way G.B Truck and Diesel is able to do it, that is the reason people bank on us best heavy-duty truck engine overhaulers in Edmonton.
You need to loosen them and pull those off together in a sequence and it will come out. lastly, we have two last fittings on the Heavy-duty engine Cylinder heads, one on the front, the one that comes from the governor, and the other one up come from the air breather. Remove both of those fittings and then your Cylinder head should be free to come up.
Next, remove the oil pan, and loosened up the lock washer next step in the procedure is to get the piston out. Make sure you are following the proper procedure in the Heavy-duty ruck engine overhaul process.
Pull my pistons out and do a little bit of inspection, and check what needs to be replaced, next disassemble the pistons, sometimes people will replace their pistons and their rings because of these both need to be replaced but there will be an occasion when their pistons are okay and they just need to replace the Rings of your heavy-duty truck engine, so if that’s the case we need to take the Rings off pistons and clean up all the carbon that’s in the grooves there. Inspection of the old engine parts is of utmost importance in the Heavy-duty truck engine overhaul process.
Normally there are certain parts that are required to be replaced in every Heavy Duty truck engine overhaul like
a) Oil filter
b) Oil filler cap
c)Valve kit
d)Cylinder Heads
Read the head number and then order the Right kit before we put in new sleeves. Start by removing the Sleeve and clean the bore before we put in new sleeves. Make sure that is fully prepared before we put the new sleeve in straight.
Next in the process of heavy-duty truck engine overhaul process is to check the rods, the first thing we want to inspect on the end is in case, we can put wrist pin bushings in the grove to fit snugly like mine, in that case, most of the time the wrist pins would be fine, in case you realize the bushing is sloppy, you definitely need to replace it. The most important step in the Heavy-duty truck overhaul procedure.
Subsequently, assemble the piston onto the rod, notice on the rods that there would always be a number. It should have a full set of one till six. Now install oil control and directional rings.
The next step is to put new rod bearings on to the rod, now when we do this, we need to make sure that, we get the right size rod bearings for our rod and then when we assemble it together. Heavy-duty truck engine overhaul is a complex procedure and we at G.B truck and Diesel always get it right. Next, we are going to put a lock and match up the numbers again, then put the compressor on the piston and, we are ready to drop it into the cylinder.
Next insert the oil pump with the gear on it and tale out valves from the cylinder head, inspect whether the valves can be used again or not.
Now new intake and exhaust valves are to be installed.
Slide head gasket and install the heavy-duty truck cylinder head and tighten it with the right torque, we are almost coming to the end of our heavy-duty truck engine overhaul process. Next, install rocker assembly and check O-ring. Put engine oil and filler cap. Do the spark plugs and then install the electrical systems. Lastly, tighten the valves and put the engine cover back on, With this, we come to the end of the process of heavy-duty truck engine overhaul Process

Stage 1 in the heavy-duty truck engine overhaul process is removing the cylinder head

Stage 2 in the heavy-duty truck engine overhaul process is Removing the pistons.

Stage 3 in the heavy-duty truck engine overhaul process is getting rings on the pistons

Stage 4 in the heavy-duty truck engine overhaul process is Putting pistons back in the core.

Cylinder head used in the heavy Duty truck engine overhaul

Cylinder head gasket used in the heavy duty truck engine overhaul

Stage 5 in the heavy-duty truck engine overhaul process is installing valves

Stage 6 in the heavy-duty truck engine overhaul process is Putting valves back in the heavy-duty truck engine