Cummins Overhaul Kits

Increase uptime with the dependability of genuine Cummins parts and comprehensive overhauls.
FEEL ASSURED with National Overhaul Warranty (NOW®) options:
2-year/200,000 miles for PRO and ELITE.
3-year/300,000 miles for ELITE only.
Pistons and Rings
Cylinder Liners
Main Bearings
Upper Engine Gasket Set
Piston Cooling Nozzles
Connecting Rod
Oil Pan Gasket
Fuel and Lube Filter
Oil Bypass Valve
Coolant Thermostat
Turbo Studs/Locknuts
• ReCon® Cylinder Head
• ReCon® Lube Oil Pump
• ReCon®Water Pump
• ReCon® Fuel Pump
(Short Block)
• Fuel Pump Roller Tappet
• Fuel Pump Barrel and Plunger
Fuel Connectors
ReCon® Connecting Rods
ReCon® Fuel Injectors
Cummins released 15 new is ISX overhaul kits. it’s strategically tiered to fit specific customer needs. The new kits are applicable to both 12 and 15 liters engine platforms.
Cummins is excited to launch the new genuine Cummins isx overhaul program, designed to target the largest vintage of Cummins 12 and 15 liter engines in population. The highlighted EPA 2010 and EPA 2013 hexagons represent over 370,000 engines approaching their midlife repair.
Cummins 2020 overhaul kit program launch will provide a significant opportunity to deliver incremental value to these customers. Cummins tiered set of overhaul kits provide an exceptional value proposition for customers.
Cummins tiered set of overhaul kits will allow customers to choose the right level of components to best match the engine service desired uptime. Each kit contains a comprehensive repair focused on the right parts for customer uptime.
All components will be ordered in one box with a one-part number for easier quoting and inventory management value.
The genuine Cummins isx overhaul kits will provide significant value and savings to end customers. The kits will include remanufactured components and a bundle discount to minimize the total cost of ownership and peace of mind.
Cummins national overhaul warranty now attractively complements the new overhaul kit program
with a best-in-class extended coverage including both inspected and replaced parts to provide better value to customers.
Cummins created three new overhaul products to replace our previous isx overhaul kits, allowing customers to choose the best product for their engine.
Each kit level provides a comprehensive set of repair components specified by Cummins to provide service advisors with full confidence.
Our previous overhaul kit included the following components
- Pistons and rings.
- Cylinder liners.
- Main bearings con rod.
- Bearings and gasket set.
- Oil pan.
- Gasket fuel and lube oil.
- Bypass valve and a coolant thermostat.
In January 2020, the genuine Cummins ISX overhaul program transitioned to three tiers of overhaul kits.
a) Classic
b) Pro
c) Elite
Each kit level in the hierarchy builds on the prior level set of components.
- The classic kit includes the current overhaul components plus piston cooling nozzles and turbo studs and lock nuts.
- The pro kit incremental builds off the classic with a recon cylinder head, recon lube pump, recon water pump and recon fuel pump repair.
- The elite kit includes all of the components in the pro kit plus recon connecting rods recon fuel injectors and fuel connectors.
Cummins provides customers a clearly defined choice lowering the total cost of ownership simplifying service quotes and providing the right components for the right to repair the new overhaul kit, the offering provides significant savings.
All of Cummins genuine parts come with a standard 1 year 100,000-mile warranty, including the new overhaul kits products for those distributor and dealer locations who are certified to perform, national overhaul warranty or now, overhauls a 2 year 200,000 mile extended coverage can be purchased when an overhaul kit and cylinder head are installed.
Beginning in 2020, we have added an optional three-year 300, thousand-mile extended coverage for those customers overhauling there, engines with an elite level kit now