Diesel Engine parts & More
We have access to millions of parts for your heavy-duty truck.

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People remember us as one of the oldest truck shops in Edmonton. Many Truck shops started and closed their shutters during the course of time. However, G.B truck and diesel still stands as the best truck repair company in Edmonton. We are one of the oldest Cummins dealers in Edmonton. We are an authorized Cummins dealer in Edmonton and provide diesel truck repairs for heavy duty trucks. As a Cummins dealer, we are licensed to do Cummins warranty repairs. We also provide general Truck repairs, i.e. brakes, differentials, transmissions etc. We are licensed to do commercial vehicle inspections (CVIP) in Edmonton. If you’re looking for a specific Cummins part for your truck, we have access to a large variety of Cummins parts at competitive Prices. In case, you are looking for Cummins diesel repair shops, Diesel truck repair shop in Edmonton or Cummins engine dealer in Edmonton, you have surely reached the right spot.
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